Overview of Prima ControlPanel Setup

Prima ControlPanel is an application in the Prima software suite dedicated to the configuration of lab operations and data. ControlPanel allows credentialed users to fully customize Prima settings to match their lab protocols and procedures. In ControlPanel, users can define workflow rules, specify the data that appears in lists throughout the software, and manage their users, hardware, and equipment.

Labs must configure a variety of settings prior to beginning training and testing activites. Prima administrators and superusers will be trained by Fortelinea staff on what is required and how best to set up ControlPanel. Administrators and superusers should use this guide and the checklists here to ensure that they have collected all the information they need for setup. This guide can also be used after administrators and superusers meet with Fortelinea to finish up any additional configuration.

Not all ControlPanel tabs need to be set up ahead of training and testing. Make sure to read about the function of each ControlPanel tab prior to making any changes. If you are unsure about any setting or data category, reach out to the Fortelinea Support Team.

Manage Prima Users

Prima administrators can manage user credentials, user information, and assign Prima roles in the Users tab. If Active Directory and LDAP is configured, you will not need to add passwords for users. Assigning roles to users allows administrators to manage what applications users can login to in Prima.

  • The Lab Technician role enables login to the Workstation application
  • The Lab Manager role enables login to the LabManager and ControlPanel applications
  • A Pathologist or Resident Pathologist role enables login to the Pathologist application
  • The IT Staff role enables login to the ControlPanel application
  1. Add first names, last names, and usernames for each Prima user
  2. Set Passwords if Active Directory is not integrated
  3. Assign user Roles to manage login permissions
  4. Add user phone numbers and addresses as necessary

Configure Lab Layout

Specify the kinds of work your lab performs and describe the Prima lab workstations in Lab Layout. Labstations can be enabled and disabled to match your lab's workflow. Workstations should align with the clients that have Prima applications installed. Labstations can be enabled and disabled for each workstation to match lab workflow or limit user visibility.

  1. Enable or disable Labstations to match your workflow
  2. Associate Labstations to workstations in the lab
  3. Rename Labstations to preconfigured alternatives
  4. Add, edit, delete, or disable workstations for the lab
  5. Associate workstations in the lab to Labstations in Prima

Add Hardware and Equipment

Setup lab hardware and equipment, configure integrations, and store valuable details in the Hardware/Equipment tab. Most labs configure tissue processors, slide stainers, and slide imagers. Additional setup is optional.

  1. Create Tissue Processors and provide a Title and Capacity in Equipment Information
  2. Associate Tissue Processors with Tissue Processor Programs
  3. Add Manufacturer Information and additional Equipment Information for processors as necessary
  4. Create Slide Stainers and provide a Title and Capacity in Equipment Information
  5. Associate Slide Stainers with Stain Test Categories in Equipment Information
  6. Configure Integration Type and specify the network address if applicable
  7. Add or import Stain Test Protocols if integration is configured
  8. Add Manufacturer Information and additional Equipment Information for stainers as necessary
  9. Create Slide Imagers and provide a Title and Capacity in Equipment Information
  10. Configure the File-watch Integration if your lab uses Prima's Rename and Association functionality
  11. Add Manufacturer Information and additional Equipment Information for slide imagers as necessary
  12. Add any other lab hardware as necessary

Format Surgical Wheels

Surgical Wheels are identifiers Prima assigns to lab cases and items. A surgical wheel typically consists of a descriptive prefix and a year, followed by a sequential numerical identifier. A Surgical Wheel identifier is appended by alpha or numeric characters to further describe the parent-child relationship between items. Surgical wheels should be used to differentiate types or workflows, locations where work is performed, or clients. For example, a lab may use "A" to identify animal work and "H" for human research, or they may use "B" for Boston and "C" for Cambridge to describe where the work was accessioned.

  1. Edit an existing example surgical wheel or add a new one
  2. Specify the designation and provide a description for the Surgical Wheel
  3. Set details for the specimen, cassette, and slide parts
  4. Set details for the slide, cytology, frozen section, and hematology prefixes as necessary
  5. Describe the date format to use and the number of digits for the identifier
  6. Edit the Surgical Number Format (Confirm with Fortelinea prior to saving changes)

Review Operational Settings

The Operational Settings in Prima control the processes and procedures in the lab. Users should review all Operational Settings and enable and disable functionality and data requirements as necessary to match their lab workflows.

  1. Select the type of work you perform in Case/Patient Types
  2. Configure the data that is collected for each type of Case/Patient Type by specifying if that data is Required, Sometimes collected, or Never collected and displayed
  3. Specify standard operating procedures in Operational/Workflow settings
  4. Describe the types of Studies performed (for Research Institutions only)
  5. Configure how Prima Surgical Numbers are created and select a default Sample Type in Accession Data Entry
  6. Specify that accession data is Required, Sometimes collected, or Never collected in Accession Data Entry
  7. Specify that grossing/trimming/necropsy data is Required, Sometimes collected, or Never collected in Prosect/Grossing Data Entry
  8. Specify that Pathologist data is Required, Sometimes collected, or Never collected and what data is shown to Pathologists
  9. Configure the lab for Teaching Hospital settings if applicable
  10. Setup an Email Server for notifications (optional)
  11. Setup an Image Storage Server for slide images, specimen images, and scanned documents
  12. Add a Case Report Header image and subtitle as necessary
  13. Configure retention time on items for disposal in Item Disposal

Set Up Label Templates

In the Labels tab, labs upload and set Label Template Projects created in Prima's LabelTemplateCreator program.

  1. Create a Label Template Project in Prima LabelTemplateCreator
  2. Upload the Label Template Project to Prima

Specify Animal Controls

Labs that perform animal research can setup Species, Breeds, Strains and other information in the Animal Controls tab.

  1. Add, edit and delete species
  2. Add, edit and delete strains for a specific species
  3. Add, edit and delete breeds for a specific species
  4. Setup feces and stomach contents for Necropsy work if applicable

Set Tissue Types

Prima users can setup tissues types, anatomic sites, and tissue groupings for each species in their database. Users should begin by adding Tissue Types, and then proceed to add Anatomic Sites before adding Groups. We recommend that users setup some tissues, anatomic sites, and collections with Fortelinea staff before any additional configuration

  1. Edit existing tissues or add new tissues for each species by inputting a Title and specifying whether that tissue is applicable to Biopsy, Frozen Section, Cytology, or Hematology workflow
  2. Add one or multiple Anatomic Sites for a tissue (note: NOS or "Not Otherwise Specified" is created by default and should remain)
  3. Create tissue groups by adding a Title, specifying which workflow the Group is applicable to, and selecting the tissues or tissues and anatomic sites from the Tissue/Organs menu

Configure Slide Controls

All slide and stain related information is configured in the Slide Controls tab. Users can specify what stain categories and stains are used in the lab, as well as set up slide cutting depths, stain feedback options, and preconfigured panels of slides.

  1. Add, edit, and delete slide Stain Tests per category of stain
  2. Specify cutting depth options
  3. Specify stain feedback options
  4. Create preconfigured stain panels of several slides that can be used as a shortcut for a block if necessary

Set Up Containers

Prima tracks the movement of items into containers in the lab workflow. Users can configure the types of containers and their capacities in the Containers tab.

  1. Create or edit an existing Container for each Container type
  2. Ensure that at least one Cassette Tray Container is enabled as a Tissue Processor Basket
  3. Ensure that at least one Slide Tray Container is enabled as a Stainer Rack

Manage Quality Control

Prima's QA/QC functionality allows users to safely and efficiently document issues with lab items. The Quality Control tab contains preconfigured quality problems and their corresponding resolutions. Labs should review the preconfigured settings and make changes as necessary.

  1. Review the preconfigured Quality Control Problems
  2. Review the preconfigured Quality Control Resolutions
  3. Add, edit, or delete Problems or Resolutions as necessary

Set Time Limits

Prima can deliver real-time information on how samples are progressing through the lab and notify managers if items are falling behind configured time-limits or in danger of being lost. Labs can optionally set these Time Limits in the Time Limits tab to track turnaround time and be alerted to items falling behind schedule.

  1. Setup a Time Limit by adding a title, setting a Goal Time and Time Limit, and specifying a Start Event (Trigger) and a Stop Event (Trigger)
  2. Enable the Time Limit to begin tracking item status within the Trigger events

Add Control Material Categories

Labs that put tissues away for Control Material purposes can categorize tissue in the Control Material tab.

  1. Add, edit, or delete a Control Material Cateogry as necessary